Wednesday 8 August 2012

Lifetime Experience!

Ohhh yes, my summer has been so great until now! I've seen a lot of interesting places, and at this moment I'm writing to you from Megève, in France! It's completely amazing! In Alessandria in Italy, there was a incredible humidity, just like you! But here, the weather is just perfect!! During 10 days, we also went in an extraordinary island called Sardegnia. THe view of the sea just took my breath away, seriously! It was the first time of my life that I saw the sea with my eyes, not just with a picture! At this place, I had six new Italian friends! We met at the end of the day, after a wonderful supper and after a long day near the light blue and refreshing sea!!

My host parents have been so gentle and lovely with me; they always ask me if I need anything, just to ensure I'm comfortable with this new lifestyle! They made me feel as a real member of their family at the first moment I came in their house!

The two little girls are so adorable! At first, we had some difficulty to understand each other but after a few days, we found a good way to communicate. In fact, one of the girls speaks French very well, so when they don't understand what I'm saying in English, I speak in French and then everything's allright!
All together, we made a lot of funny activites: go in the pool, playing to volley-ball, tennis, badmingthon, ping-pong and go for a ride in bike! We learned to know more about the culture of each other, and that's what's fantastic of this experience!

I need to tell you thank you very much for giving me the chance to live this once in a lifetime experience! It's so amazing, I can't even believe that I'm living it for real! Thank you again, and I'm sure this experience will stay in my best memories! :)



  1. It is wonderful to receive such positive feedback on our various camp and au pair programs. Our summer camps for 2013 are unfortunately filled however we are now actively recruiting for summer 2014 camp positions. Please see our website for further details.

  2. What a great BLOG!!! I, as well, have participated in a program that Scotia Personnel provides!!! What an AMAZING adventure I had! I was an Au Pair in New York and I will never forget every memory I made while I was away!!! I am so glad that the information is getting out there about Scotia Personnel Ltd and the programs they provide! Marilyn and the staff are absolutely amazing and knowledgeable. I never would have stepped out into the world if it wasn't for this program, I now have a love of travel, and friends all over the world that hopefully one day I will be able to visit!!! Thank you Marilyn!!!!!!!!

  3. I wanted to take a minute to write about my experience au pairing in Spain with the help of Scotia Personnel.

    I left for Madrid at the end of August in 2010, after having decided on Spain and au pairing after speaking with the staff at Scotia Personnel. I was really ecstatic to have found an economically savvy way to live extensively abroad.

    The first months in Spain were incredibly rewarding and challenging at time, as is the case with anything new. I took language classes, explored the city and made many friends (many au pairs, as nearly all au pairs are eager to meet up and as such, getting to know people is not a problem).

    In November, I decided to switch to another au pair family as I was interested in au pairing with a different age range. I continue to stay in contact with my second family. The mother regularly emails me photos of the girls and we exchange Christmas gifts by mail, she also offered to pay for my flight back to Spain should I ever want to au pair for the family again!

    Around the same time, I met Alberto, who just so happens to be my husband as of last November!
    Had I not au paired in Spain, my life today would be totally different, having never met many of my very close friends, new families or husband. Nor would I be able to speak the high level of Spanish I do. As a result of my time in Spain, I have also been able to expand my resume as a child care professional, tutor and ESL teacher.

    Obviously, I recommend au pairing with Scotia Personnel to anyone who is looking to travel

  4. I was reading thru this awesome blog and just wanted to write a comment about my experience as an au pair. I have been an au pair in America through Scotia Personnel. I’ve had such a wonderful time! My host family was great to me! Working with children and travelling are my two most favourite things. I’ve travelled throughout the US with the family. As well, I’ve met other au pairs through the program from all over the world. Now I have free room and board wherever I travel and great friends as well :). I’ve had such a wonderful time!
